Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live

luni, 6 septembrie 2010

The greatest weekend of this year!

    This weekend I was very busy.... HAVING FUN!!!Everything was great, even the sun smiled at us all day Saturday. On Sunday, there were a few clouds on the sky, but they looked so that didn't stop me and my friends to walk and talk and laugh a lot. On Saturday I went walking in the great park of Arad with my best friend Ady ; we've also spent some time in Armonia Center and made jokes and laughed a lot.
Then , on Sunday, we went at the mall.

In the afternoon,I went for pizza with my friends . I don't think I've ever laughed that much like yesterday...  So, that's how I've started : that cappuccino was excellent.
Casy is such a gentleman, Cristina is such a love,Florin is a great boy. And when you think they're younger than me. :)

4 comentarii:

  1. continua tot asa :) Good luck!

  2. imi place poza aia ca si Cinderella...tare blogu:P..visiteaza-l si pe a meu:P

  3. da si mie
    a iesit fain
    iar tu , casy arati ca un cavaler

  4. alllo si eu am rămas în urma ??? Da si mie îmi place blogu lu Angelliche dar na.... eu sunt cu întârziere btw angi urmărește-mi blogu se vezi ce ''interesant'' este :)))
